Alaskan Bay Owners Association

Minutes of May 31, 2019


Mark Smith (President/Board), Kay Waitman (Vice-President/Board), Barry Yabyabin (Secretary/Board), Mike Bridges (Treasurer/Board/ACC Chairman), Chris Turletes (Board Member) were present.

Candice Haywood represented Ben Marsh & Associates Inc.

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM.


Quorum was established with 5 out of 5 board members present.


Mike Bridges moved to approve the minutes of the prior Board Meeting. Mark Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Financial Report:

David Riley is not present but submitted the financial report for review prior to the meeting.

The attorney handling the accounts still delinquent would like to know if the Board would like to proceed with lien foreclosure action. After some discussion Mike Bridges moved to approve moving forward with the attorney. Kay Waitman seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Mark Smith moved to approve the financial report. Chris Turletes seconded the motion. Motion carries.

Grounds Report/ACC Report:

The 100th Ave fence is in need of some minor repairs and the boards replaced last year are in need of staining.

Several painting, roofing and landscaping projects have been approved so far this summer.

It has been discovered that the fence with the hole in it from last summer belongs to the neighboring property. They will be tearing the fence down and replacing it as part of an approved project. The fence violation is thus closed.

Mark Smith moved to approve the grounds report. Chris Turletes seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Manager’s Report:

It is requested that management send reminder letters on lawn care to owners whose lawns are in need of attention. There is a derelict vehicle on Admiralty Bay that needs a letter and a home with overgrown trees.

Old Business:

House Rule Revision- The House Rules will be reviewed and put on the table for discussion of any proposed changes at the next meeting.

Derelict Home- There is a home within the Association that has fallen into neglect. The Association has sent multiple letters to the owner and no repairs have been made. The next step would be to send the matter to the attorney. Kay Waitman asks to be given the opportunity to speak with the owner prior to legal action being taken. The Board agrees.

New Business:

Barry Yabyabbin would like to revive the neighborhood block party. He proposes doing it as a pot luck and having it in the common areas. The proposed date would be August 11th at 2 pm. The idea will be further discussed at the next meeting.

Kay Waitman request that she be allowed to purchase two or three more caution signs to pass around the neighborhood.

Kay Waitman would like to discuss a proposed change to the house rules that would allow RVs to be parked in driveways during the summer months. It is requested that Kay draft the proposed rule for review and discussion at the next meeting.


Hearing no further business, the meeting is adjourned at 7:26 PM

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be held June 24, 2019 at 6:30 PM at Mark Smith’s home.