Alaskan Bay Owners Association

Minutes of March 18, 2019


Mark Smith (President/Board), Mike Bridges (Treasurer), Kay Waitman (Vice President), Barry Yabyabin (Secretary), Chris Turletes (Board Member), David Riley (Accountant)

Candice Haywood represented Ben Marsh & Associates Inc.

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM.


Quorum was established with 5 out of 5 board members present.


Barry Yabyabin motions that the officers remain in the same positions for another year. Chris Turletes seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carries.


The ACC and Grounds Committees will remain merged. Mike Bridges will act as the Chairman of the joint committee. Mark Smith and Chris Turletes will also serve on the ACC/Grounds Committee.

Barry Yabyabin will serve on the Welcoming Committee.


Mike Bridges motions to approve the minutes of the January 21, 2019 Board Meeting. Mark Smith seconded the motion. Motion carries

Financial Report:

David Riley presents the January and February financials. The February financials are reviewed in detail. There are four owners who have still not paid their dues and they have been referred to the attorney for collections and the attorney has sent demand letters. Mark Smith motions to approve the financials. Chris Turletes seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grounds Report/ACC Report:


Manager’s Report:


Welcoming Committee:


Old Business:


New Business:

Mark Smith asks that the Board brainstorm ideas for increasing participation at annual meetings and ideas for handling the two properties who have maintenance issues from last summer that were not corrected.

The Grounds contract is in place for another year and they have submitted all the necessary paperwork to keep the contract in place.

David Riley suggests that changes be made to the bank account to update the signers on the account. The account should be updated to add the current President, Treasurer, Accountant, and Manager. Mike Bridges motions that the changes be made. Mark Smith seconded the motion. Motion carries.


Hearing no further business Mike Bridges moved to adjourn the meeting. Chris Turletes seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 7:04 PM.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be held April 15, 2019 at 6:30 PM.