Alaskan Bay Owners Association

Minutes of May 31, 2018


Mark Smith (President/Board), Kay Waitman (Vice-President/Board), Mike Bridges (Treasurer/Board/ACC Chairman), David Riley (Accountant) were present.

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM.


Quorum was established with 3 out of 4 board members present.


April board meeting minutes were not available at the time of the meeting.

Financial Report:

David Riley present the financial report for the month of April. Kay Waitman moved to approve the financial report. Mark Smith seconded the motion. Motion carries.

Grounds Report/ACC Report:

Mike Bridges presented the Grounds and ACC Report. The mow of the season for the common areas has been accomplished. Several spring projects are in progress all in compliance with CC&Rs and House Rules.

Manager’s Report:

Management Report was not available at the time of the meeting.

Old Business:

Nothing significant to report.

New Business:

The path from Hogan Bay Circle and Mears Middle School was discussed as it was brought to the board’s attention that it may require maintenance. This topic tabled pending further research into condition of the path and which entity is responsible for it’s upkeep.

The ABOA website hasn’t been updated since the new board was elected. The Board Members are from the previous board as are the officer positions. The last Board Meeting Minutes posted were for Oct 17.

A letter needs to go to the owners of the trailer at 3101 Admiralty Bay Dr reminding them of the 72-hour rule for RVs. They were in violation by an estimate of five days in addition to the first 72 hours.

A compliance/enforcement letter (certified mail) needs to go to 2930 Rocky Bay Circle regarding the condition of his house and yard. The house is in need of repair and painting. The yard requires routine maintenance.


Hearing no further business Mike Bridges moved to adjourn the meeting. Kay Waitman seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 6:45 PM.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be held Jun 18, 2018 at 6:30 PM at Mark Smith’s home.