Minutes Of 29 January 2018


Randy Bañez (President/Board), Mark Smith (Vice President/Board) Mike Bridges (Treasurer/Board/ACC Chairman), Kay Waitman (Secretary/Board Member), Stan Mayra (Board) and David Riley (Association Accountant) were present.

Candice Haywood represented Ben Marsh & Associates Inc.

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM.


Quorum was established with 5 out of 5 Board members present.

Approval of Minutes:

The minutes of the 16 October 2017 Board Meeting were reviewed. Mark Smith moved to approve the minutes with minor corrections. Kay Waitman seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Financial Report:

David Riley presented the Financial Report.

Grounds Report:

Mike Bridges presented the Grounds Report. The Bañez Brothers will be ending their contract. Another young person in the community has already agreed to take over the business. Randy will be meeting with them to explain how they should establish their own business and insurance and they will purchase the equipment from the Bañez Brothers. Mike will be sent a copy of the contract once signed.

Architectural Committee Report (ACC):


Manager’s Report:

Management is directed to send an fine letter to 3011 Bettles Bay regarding their trash can. A fine of $100 will be charged to the account since this is a repeated violation

Welcoming Committee:


Old Business:


New Business:

An owner has inquired of a board member regarding the Association’s rules regarding Air BNB. The general feeling of the board is that this would be categorized as a business activity and would thus be forbidden by the Declarations. There is also concern that allowing Air BNB could result in nuisance complaints from neighbors. After some discussion it is decided that the item will be added to the agenda for the Annual Meeting to get a sense of how the general membership feels on the matter.

It is requested that Management post a notice for the Annual Meeting on the Facebook page and also some information on serving on the Board since we have additional vacancies this year.

Next meeting:

Annual Meeting 15 February 2018 at the Bayshore Clubhouse.


Hearing no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM