Minutes Of 16 October 2017


Randy Bañez (President/Board), Mark Smith (Vice President/Board) Mike Bridges (Treasurer/Board/ACC Chairman), and David Riley (Association Accountant) were present. Kay Waitman (Secretary/Board Member) and Stan Mayra (Board) was absent.

Deanne Tuckerman and Candice Haywood represented Ben Marsh & Associates Inc.

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 6:36PM.


Quorum was established with 3 out of 5 Board members present.

Approval of Minutes:

The minutes of the 18 September 2017 Board Meeting were reviewed. Mark Smith moved to approve the minutes as written. Mike Bridges seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Financial Report:

David Riley presented the Financial Report. All dues are paid but one homeowner. Candice gave a report from the attorney on the bankruptcy and what the attorney proposed to be done. It was decided to allow the members to think and read the email from the attorney and then do an email vote. David presented a check from an homeowner for dues that happens to bank the same place ABOA does. David presented the check for payment and the tellers told him three times the account did not have the funds to cover the check. David asked the board what should be done. Mike Bridges took the check and handed the check to management requesting send a letter gentle but firm to this owner and have them pay with cash, money order or bank check. Mark Smith moved to approve the Financial Report. Randy Bañez seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grounds Report:

Mike Bridges reported the fence at Admiralty Bay and Bettles Bay has been installed and looks good. Bañez Brother was asked to mulch Tract I one more time, Mike Bridges mulched Admiralty Bay along Ensign Bay to Bayshore than to the culvert 2 times. He turned in an invoice at the meeting for payment. Mike Bridges picked up driveway markers to go along the flower bed at Bayshore and Admiralty for snow removal teams not to fill the bed with snow. Mike also filled in around the flower bed with super seed mix so the lawn will grow back nice next spring.

Architectural Committee Report (ACC):

Mike Bridges reported the handicap ramp at 3053 Bettles Bay has been completed and looks good. Most all of the ACC work for this year has been completed.

Randy Bañez moved to approve the Ground and Architectural Report. Mark Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Manager’s Report:

Management sent as certified letter to 3125 Admiralty Bay regarding the hole in the fence. The letter has not been picked up as of this meeting and the hole has not been repaired yet. Management was asked about the barking dog/kennel license issue. Candice stated we got a call from the owner stating he only has a kennel license because of the number of dogs they have. Muni law states if you have more than 4 dogs you have to have a kennel license. There have been no new complaints regarding barking dogs but we will follow-up with surrounding homeowners. Management has not heard anything from 2930 Rocky Bay regarding painting the house.

Mark Smith moved to approve the Management Report. Mike Bridges seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Welcoming Committee:

Kirsten Taylor sent receipts for welcome baskets so the Welcoming Committee work is up to date.

Old Business:

The campers that were having problems and awaiting help so they could be put away for the winter have been fixed and both are now stored for the winter thanks to everyone who jumped in to help. Mike Bridges loaned his wheelbarrow to 2941 Admiralty Bay to pick up and move all the firewood that was delivered.

Mark Smith moved to approve the Old Business. Randy Bañez seconded the motion. Motion carried.

New Business:

Mike Bridges recommended changing the date of the Annual Meeting to the 16thof February since the second Wednesday of February 2018 falls on Valentines’ Day. When management sends out the notices they should note that the meeting was changed due to the holiday. Management was requested to rent the club house once again for the annual meeting.

Next meeting: 13 November 2017 6:30 PM at Mark Smiths house 3041 Admiralty Bay. Randy Bañez’s house 10130 Eshamy Bay Drive.is alternate location if there is a problem with the Smith location.


Hearing no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:04 PM