Minutes Of 18 September 2017


Randy Bañez (President/Board), Mark Smith (Vice President/Board) Kay Waitman (Secretary/Board Member), Mike Bridges (Treasurer/Board/ACC Chairman), and David Riley (Association Accountant) were present. Stan Mayra (Board) was absent.

Deanne Tuckerman and Candice Haywood represented Ben Marsh & Associates Inc.

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 6:36PM.


Quorum was established with 4 out of 5 Board members present.

Approval of Minutes:

The minutes of the 14 August 2017 Board Meeting were reviewed. Mike Bridges moved to approve the minutes with the following correction made: In the grounds report first line weed and feed needs to be applied not has been applied. Second line Mike bought weed killer not weed and feed, third line Mike applied weed killer not weed and feed. In The ACC report delete at the end of the second line and beginning of the third line ”the letter did get sent to the correct house”. On the third line change paint to maintenance On the second page first line changed motioned to moved. Mark Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Financial Report:

David Riley presented the Financial Report. David reported there is only one person who is delinquent with their dues. It was noted that the house at 2921 Admiralty Bay Drive is in need of paint, roof, driveway replacement, and fence repaired, there is a pick-up in the driveway that has not moved in months, and the cardboard in windows needs to be removed. Management was requested to contact the attorney Shane Osowski and find out the status of the bankruptcy. We are on track according to the budget and we are at 61.93% of the budget spent at 8 months into the year. Kay Waitman moved to approve the Financial Report. Randy Bañez seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grounds Report:

Mike Bridges reported the fall weed & feed has been applied to all the common grounds. Currently all common grounds look great. Removal of all cottonwoods from common area is completed with a bill due in for $400 to $700 for the final removal of all the slash and trees. Mike checked the lights and sign at the corner of 100thand Bayshore and everything looks good. Currently there are no downed trees in the common areas. Mike will have a bill for a few gallons of weed killer for the vetch weed along Ensign and Bayshore.

Architectural Committee Report (ACC):

Mike Bridges reported the roof at 3041 Admiralty Bay has been completed minus the gutters, there are two sheds and a greenhouse in design, and will be approved, however, they will not be built this year. Several fences have been remedied this year. Management was requested to send a certified letter to 2930 Rocky Bay regarding painting of the house, fixing the back deck and the general maintenance of the house.

Randy Bañez moved to approve the Ground and Architectural Report. Mark Smith seconded the move. Motion carried.

Manager’s Report:

Management was requested to send a certified letter to 2135 Admiralty Bay regarding the hole in the fence. The owner should be given the option to have the Association fix at a minimum to stabilize and correct the fence, with the owner’s account being charged for the repair. Candice will send the draft letter the board approved to 3149 Bettles Bay for cease and desist the dog breeding as well as notice of a nuisance for the dog barking. A separate reminder letter from management will be sent to 3149 Bettles Bay for fence stabilization or replacement in the spring.

Welcoming Committee:

Kirsten Taylor has not turned in any receipts for newcomers baskets so we are unsure what her intentions towards the welcoming committee are. Kay Waitman stated she would get in contact with Kirsten and if Kirsten is not interested Kay will handle delivery of the newcomer baskets.

Old Business:

Kay Waitman is still working on the playground equipment for KFQD park. Mike Bridges stated he would call Parks and Rec maintenance and see if KFQD park is on the list for getting new playground equipment.

New Business:

Kay Waitman would like to purchase sidewalk snow markers for the flower bed at the corner Admiralty and Bayshore. She would like to prevent the huge pile of snow on the flower beds. Kay would also like to put down some lawn renew around the flower bed. Both items were approved.


David Riley presented the budget. Kay Waitman asked that $200.00 be added to the budget in the picnic slot for light hors d'oeuvre during the Annual Meeting.

Mike Bridges moved to accept the budget plus the addition of $200.00 for light hors d'oeuvre for the annual meeting, leaving due at $300.00. Kay Waitman seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Management was requested to rent the club house once again for the annual meeting.

Next meeting: 16 October 2017 6:30 PM Randy Bañez’s house 10130 Eshamy Bay Drive..


Hearing no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:33 PM