Minutes Of 24 July 2017


Randy Bañez (President/Board), Mark Smith (Vice President/Board) Kay Waitman (Secretary/Board Member), Mike Bridges (Treasurer/Board/ACC Chairman), and David Riley (Association Accountant) were present. Stan Mayra (Board) was absent.

Candice Haywood represented Ben Marsh & Associates Inc.

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 6:32PM.


Quorum was established with 4 out of 5 Board members present.

Approval of Minutes:

The minutes of the 15 May 2017 Board Meeting were reviewed. Mike Bridges moved to approve the minutes with the following correction made: David Riley was absent but the Financial Report was distributed for the board to review. Mark Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Financial Report:

David Riley presented the Financial Report. Mark Smith moved to approve the Financial Report. Kay Waitman seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grounds Report:

Mike Bridges stated he cut down a cottonwood tree. A landscaping company has been to be hired to cut down three cottonwood trees and remove the trees at the corner at Ensign and Bayshore.

Architectural Committee Report (ACC):

Mike Bridges reported several houses have paint or stain chipping. Management will send letters requesting timeline of repairs. Mark Smith moved to approve the Grounds and Architectural Committee Reports. Kay Waitman seconded the motion. Motion carried

Manager’s Report:

Candice Haywood presented an amendment to the House Rules that would help with the repeat offenders of violations. This would allow management an increasing fine scale for the repeat offenders. Mike Bridges moved to accept management’s amendment to the House Rules. Mark Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Management was requested to send Cheryl Stewart a thank you card for the care and attention on the garden beds on behalf of the board.

Welcoming Committee:

There are a couple of baskets that need to be done. The welcoming committee volunteer will be contacted to see if they are still interested in continuing on the committee. In the meantime, Mike and Kay will take care of it.

There are newsletters missing from the website. Management will send the webmaster the needed documents.

Next meeting: August 14, 2017 6:30 PM Mark Smith’s house.


Hearing no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:08 PM