Alaskan Bay Owners Association, Inc.

Minutes of 20 June 2016


Randy Bañez (President/Board), Mark Smith (Vice President/Board) Mike Bridges (Treasurer/Board/ACC Chairman), Kay Waitman (Secretary/Board Member), Stan Mayra (Board), Kirsten Taylor (Welcoming Committee/Annual Picnic Committee), and David Riley (Association Accountant) were present.

Candice Haywood and Deanne Tuckerman represented Ben Marsh & Associates Inc.

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 6:32PM.


Quorum was established with 5 out of 5 Board members present.

Approval of Minutes:

The minutes of the 16 May 2016 Board Meeting were reviewed. Mark Smith motioned to approve the minutes with corrections. Mike Bridges seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Financial Report:

David Riley presented the financial report.

The association is moving along well, we are five months into the year and at 30% of the budget spent. This will change however, summer has hit and the mowing contract will start moving money from the account. We should remain on track for the rest of the year.

Randy Bañez motioned that the Financial Report be accepted. Mark Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grounds Report:

Billing issues with the Bañez’s Brothers have been corrected. Cottonwood trees have been removed. The tree has been cut in about 6’ lengths (the base is a large base) anyone who wants to drive a pickup in and pick up the logs, cut and season them for firewood are free to do so. The bid from Happy Home Maintenance has been received and accepted for the replacement of the split rail fence. The split rail fence will be set in concrete and the cedar will be left to age naturally. Mike Bridges also got a good bid from them to sand, paint and stain all the signs at the entryway to ABOA. It was a good bid and Mike asked the board permission to go ahead with that project even if it was not budgeted for this year. Board told him to go ahead and do it since no volunteers stepped forward. Deanne reported she contacted the Muni regarding the sidewalk on Admiralty Bay by the cluster post boxes between Rocky Bay and Hogan Bay. Bill Rogers from the Muni Maintenance department left a message stating he has been out and yes there is a problem. He will try to get the work done this summer but can’t guarantee it will be done this year. It will be on his list and it will be done first thing next year if it is not done this year. Deanne also reported she called Parks and Rec regarding the tot lot at KFQD Park. She spoke with Josh Duran regarding the age, and shape of the equipment. Josh Duran admitted the lot needed the equipment updated but the community has to do it. The process is to go to the Community Council meetings and request the equipment be top priority on the Community Capital Improvement Plan. Kristen Taylor stated she would volunteer to recruit other homeowners with small children to attend the Community Council meetings until this happens. At this point it was recommended someone update Facebook with this information. Cheryl Stewart put mulch in the flower box at Ensign and Bayshore sign. Bañez brothers will help keep the vech vine from growing in the flower box.

Architectural Committee Report (ACC):

Mike Bridges present several ACC approvals and items to look forward to happening in the neighborhood. New roofs on three homes, new fence at one unit, new sheds for three homes, landscape and or tree thinning on two units, and one house will be presenting color chips for a new green paint job.

Mark Smith moved to approve the Grounds and the Architectural Committee Reports. Randy Bañez seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Manager’s Report:

Deanne reported another letter will be sent to 3110 Admiralty Bay for holiday lights . It was noted they took the lights off the bottom roofs but left them on the top roof. The owners were fined for the lower roofs but will now get a letter stating all lights need to be removed from all roofs.

Mike Bridges reported someone from the Community Cottages is leaving the trash can out and it has been that way for about 2 weeks.

Mark Smith moved to approve the Managers Reports. Mike Bridges seconded the motion. Motion carried. 

Welcoming Committee:

Kristen Taylor reported she has a volunteer for the Welcoming Committee and will email the details and contact information to all of us.

Kirsten Taylor reported she still has one house to give the Welcoming gift to but would like to wait for at least two houses at once.

Randy Bañez moved to approve the Welcoming Committee and Picnic Committee report. Mike Bridges seconded the motion. Motion carried. 

Old Business:

House Rules have been tabled till next meeting.

New Business:

Kirsten Taylor reported on the picnic. It will be 26 June 2016 from 4:00PM – 6:00 PM. Mike Bridges will have his trailer out of the garage so Party World can drop off all the chairs, tables, and grill. Mike Bridges will volunteer his trailer for moving the items between KFQD Park and his house where Party World will pick up their items. Kirsten Taylor has made arrangements for a fire truck to be there and some of the games from last year.

Mike Bridges verified the Board agrees with the unbudgeted expense of the entry signs being refurbished this year by Happy Home Maintenance. The board agreed with the expense this year.

It was noted the web page and Facebook page need to be updated better than they have been. Volunteers are required. If you are interested please contact Management.


Hearing no further business Randy Bañez motioned that the meeting be adjourned. Mike Bridges seconded the motion. Motion Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.

Next meeting will be 18 July 2016 at Stan Mayra’s house 2921 Hogan Bay.