Minutes of 20 July 2015



Randy Bañez (President/Board), Mike Bridges (Treasurer/Board/ACC Chairman), Kay Waitman (Secretary/Board Member), and David Riley (Accountant) were present.  Mark Smith (Vice President/Board) was absent.

Deanne Tuckerman and Candice Haywood represented Ben Marsh & Associates Inc.

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 6:39 PM.


Quorum was established with 3 out of 4 Board members present.


Mike Bridges moved to approve the Agenda. Kay Waitman seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes:  

The minutes of the 19 June 2015 meeting were reviewed.  Mike Bridges moved to approve the minutes with correction.  Randy Banez seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Financial Report:

David Riley presented the financial reports for June 2015.  Two homeowners have not paid their dues yet and have been sent to the attorney.  Deanne was requested to call the attorney and find out the status of the two people who are delinquent home owners.

David Riley was requested to send the Owners of 10011 Whale Bay Circle a certified letter requesting full payment of fine parking on the grass.  There have been several violations of one or the other of the above violations almost weekly.  This violation must stop.  The workers must abide by the rules of the homeowners association.

Mike Bridges moved David Riley write a letter to the Owner at 3006 Bettles Bay Loop notifying them that the Board will cut their fine, which has gone unpaid for two years, in half to the amount of $50.00 if they paid  within two weeks of the letter.  Randy Banez seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Randy Banez moved to approve the Financial Report.  Kay Waitman seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Grounds Report:

Mike Bridges presented the grounds report.  The Banez Brothers got the lawns mowed, weeds eradicated, and a wasp’s nest sprayed with something to kill the wasps along 100th Ave so the lawn could be mowed.

AA Landscaping turned in the W-9 that was required for them to be paid by David Riley for the retaining wall on the path to Mears Middle School off Eshamy Bay

Kay Waitman and Mike Bridges are working on the landscaping design and types of perennials that should be planted.  The board requested a rough design and idea of plants.  Kay asked about what the budget would be and it was agreed not more than $500.00.

The Boy Scout who called and asked if he could “redo” the sign for the entry of our area at 100th Ave and Bayshore never got back with Mike Bridges.  Mike requested he turn in plans and proposed way of fixing our sign.

Architectural Committee Report (ACC):

Mike Bridges reported several roofs have been approved.  The red house on Jackpot Bay sold but there will still be a lot of work still to be done.

Mike Bridges is able to approve any request turned in from the web site within a couple of days.  Mike emails the requester the approval but also tells them the management company will also send them a formal letter of approval.

Manager’s Report:

We have had nothing substantial showing up lately.  Trash cans are still our biggest offenders.

Randy Banez moved to approve the Grounds, Architectural Committee and Management reports.  Kay Waitman seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Welcoming Committee:

No one has moved in so nothing has gone out.

Kay Waitman reported on the ABOA Picnic was a wonderful success with 40 to 60 people showing up over the time period.  Kay Waitman gave a rundown of costs as she remembered and does not count what Kristen Taylor spent follow:

Old Business:

House Rules were tabled.

New Business:

David Riley requested anyone who has items that will need funding next year be ready to turn in the item and amount in August.  David will do the budget and submit it at the September meeting so the dues amount can be voted on and dues billing can go out in October.

The mowing contract needs to be renewed before next summer.  Deanne was requested to send the master mowing contract to Mike Bridges.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be the 17 August 2015, 6:30 PM at Mike Bridges house.


Hearing no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM.