Minutes of 17 March 2014


Yannick Hodgin (President), Mark Smith (Vice-President), Ginger Scoggin (Secretary), Mike Bridges (Board Member/ACC Chairman) and David Riley (Accountant) were present.

Deanne Tuckerman and Candice Haywood represented Ben Marsh & Associates, Inc.


The board meeting was called to order at 6:36 P.M. by President Yannick Hodgin. A quorum was established with four of five board members present.

Approval of Minutes:

The minutes of the 17 February 2014 meeting were reviewed. Mike Bridges moved to approve the minutes. Mark Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Financial Report:

David Riley presented the financial report.

The invoice for the rental of the school for the Annual Meeting was received by the accountant. However due to the Association being unable to access the reserved room on the night of the meeting the Board would like the school to be contacted to negotiate a decrease in the amount billed. Management will contact the individual in charge of the reservation and see if an agreement can be met. If this matter cannot be resolved in an agreeable manner the Board may consider a change of venue for next year’s meeting.

Mike Bridges moved to accept the Treasurers Report. Ginger Scoggin seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grounds Report:


Architectural Committee Report (ACC):


Manager’s Report:

An email was received from an owner requesting that the name on their account be changed for future correspondence. Management informed the owner that they would need to provide their office with proof of a change in ownership or name. Some discussion is had to as to why Management took this stance and if it would be possible for the Association to have a different policy regarding name changes. Management explains that it is an issue of giving proper legal notice to owners and also conveys information obtained from the attorney which explains how the matter should be handled. After further discussion the Board feels this information should be placed on the Association’s website so that all owners are aware of the steps needed to change a name on their account. The Board further decides that in condolence baskets will now be delivered when the Association becomes aware of a family’s loss.

Welcoming Committee:


Old Business:

House Rules: Postponed until the next meeting

New Business:

Correspondences: The question is raised as to what type of response Management’s new letters notifying owners of maintenance that needs to be done in the summer. Management explains that the response has been positive and that everyone who received a letter has contacted the office with a timetable for repairs. Management will keep track of the progress of repairs over the summer.

Interest & Late Fees: At a previous meeting the possibility of charging interest on violations and late dues was raised. The by-laws do allow for these penalties. The issue will be discussed further at the next meeting.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be Monday, April 21, 2014 at 6:30 PM.


Mike Bridges moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mark Smith seconded the motion. Hearing no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:39 PM.