Alaskan Bay Owners Association, Inc.

Minutes of 17 February 2014


Randy Bañez, Mark Smith, Yannick Hodgin, Ginger Scoggin, and David Riley (Accountant) were present.

Deanne Tuckerman and Candice Haywood represented Ben Marsh & Associates, Inc.


The board meeting was called to order at 6:52 P.M. by President. A quorum was established with four of five board members present.

Election of Officers: Ginger Scoggin motioned that the Board members hold the following positions:

President: Yannick Hodgin

Vice-President: Mark Smith

Secretary: Ginger Scoggin

Treasurer: Randy Bañez

Member: Mike Bridges

Mark Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes:

The minutes of 20 January 2014 meeting were reviewed. Ginger Scoggin moved to approve the minutes. Mark Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Financial Report:

David Riley presented the financial report.

The annual rate for the PO Box has increased with the renewal for 2014. There will be another increase at the next renewal due to rate increases with the post office.

Mark Smith moved to approve the financial report. Ginger Scoggin seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grounds Report:


Architectural Committee Report (ACC):

The ACC will be comprised of the following members: Mike Bridges, Randy Bañez, and Mark Smith.

Manager’s Report:

Management has recently updated to a new computer system and presented the Board with sample reports showing the ability to more carefully monitor inspections and violations. The Board will review these reports at each month's meeting.

Ben Marsh & Associates will be making the option of online credit card payments available. The Association can subscribe to this service through Management for an annual fee and the Owners who choose to use this service will be charged a small processing fee by the payment collection company. A link will be placed on the website allowing for payment and notice will be given in the newsletter and on statements.

Ginger Scoggin moved that the Association subscribe to the online payment services offered by Ben Marsh & Associates. Randy Bañez seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Welcoming Committee:

The welcoming Committee will be comprised of the following members: Ginger Scoggin and Yannick Hodgin.

Old Business:

House Rules- The final draft of the House Rules will be submitted to the Board for review and discussion at the next meeting.

New Business:

The next meeting's agenda should include an item to discuss the possibility of charging interest on unpaid late fees and violation fines.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be held March 17, 2014.


Hearing no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:12 PM.